Monday 9 March 2015

CWIF 2015

Weight: 9st 10lbs (ground zero)
Bottles of Pepsi Max: 1
Finger Tendon Integrity (FTI): 0.78

Every year I write an entry about the CWIF. I don't really know why I bother, since you could basically cut and paste the one from the previous year. Great problems, blah, blah, cool atmosphere blah, blah, insert excuses, very psyched, watch out for me in the BBCs, etc, etc. I always have a great time at the comp, and always do terribly due to a lack of flexibility/talent/skin, but never actually enter the BBCs because I always go climbing the Sunday after the CWIF and get horribly injured. 

I don't know what to write this year. 

For a start, I'm not sure I did that terribly. Yes, I came way down the rankings, and Vladimir Putin has as much chance of winning the Nobel Peace Prize as I did of getting to the semi-finals, but for once I didn't fall off all the easy problems. Even my flexibility didn't let me down too badly, since I have discovered the miracle of squats. In all honesty I wasn't fit enough for 30 problems in an afternoon, and I did about as well as I could have hoped. I even achieved my lifetime's dream of beating Southern England's Nicest Climber, Gavin Symmonds - a pyrrhic victory given the amount he's been climbing this year, but I'll take it!

Also, since my wife insisted on a strict "no climbing after comps" rule, my battered old frame is moderately intact, although the RH middle finger which gave me so much trouble last year is grumbling ominously today. Thankfully I had scheduled in a couple of easy weeks before Rainshadow training starts in earnest. With a following wind, and a bit of sense, I might get to enter the BBCs this July after all...

And so the comp season is over. The endurance training is about to start, and today I begin the unpleasant and unwelcome campaign to get down to fighting weight. Let's see what the spring brings!

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